Womens' Carriers in Science and Business

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For more information you may also contact karrierewege@uni-rostock.de

Information is also available at the website Karrierewege für Frauen MV

Abstract: The project, funded by the ESF (European Social Font) supports female students, phd candidates and graduate scientists in planning and pursuing their carrier.

Runtime: 2009-10-01 until 2011-12-31
Project coordination: Prof. Dr. Alke Martens (Local Co-ordinator University of Rostock)
Scientific staff: Carina Hojenski , Annette Meier
Contractor(s): ESF -- Europäischer Sozialfonds

Keywords: carrier, gender

Further information on this research project in the WWW:

Europäischer Sozialfonds

Karrierewege für Frauen MV